Monday, August 10, 2009

An Appreciation

Of all my life I knew that I was never good in art. How funny that art was the subject in school I worried would paint my report book red. There was once in Form 3 we had to come out with a water colour scenery during the final & the title I naively chose was "Kebakaran". The drawing part was quite smooth for me but when it was time to colour, my art piece came out simply red. No tones of red, but just red. It was like the art paper itself was burning. I was worried sick I failed that one... True that I won't get a scolding from my parents but the thought of having a red shade in the report book for the first time was quite frustrating. Apparently I passed... with a C- -. A double minus but was written in blue. Pheeww!

Art was also another aspect I fell for HB. He is good in drawing, sketches especially. The girls whenever the art question for the exam comes out will straight consult their father. They know well, their mom is lousy at it.

A few days back however, I was thrilled to accept an award from Kak Nannie. She awarded me with this... Thanks a bunch Kak Nannie. Appreciate it a lot!

Check that out! I'm creative... Woohoo! Which made me thinking. It does not mean that you need to be artistic to be creative. It is in you. Hiding & waiting for the right channel to come out. You sure need creativity to be an artist but a creative mind does not need merely art. Think about it... ;-D


Lizamurni Lokman said...


U r creative la.....i've known that for a fact since our younger days...
u r right, creative does not necessarily mean only in art, but people can be creative in anything and everything...take care

jabishah said...


Hehehe... Tx darling. I know deep inside I am somehow very creative in making friends & friends like you dont grow on trees! You take care too!