Saturday, November 24, 2012

Excellent Eight

Our sweet Balqis turns 8 today. I still remember vividly the baby in my arm right after delivery 8 years ago. The first thing that got my attention was her deep dimple. She was hungry for milk & since it was my third baby, nursing was nothing foreign to me. The more she sucked for milk the prominent her dimple appeared. Over the years the dimple has captured so many hearts from little kids to grown ups...

As Wardah puts it she is papa's bling bling girl. No... It's nothing about her being  a bling in fashion. It's a trendy translation Wardah created from "anak emas" in Malay which means favourite child. Now... don't get the wrong idea. She being papa's bling bling girl doesn't bring jealousy to the girls. Nadeen perhaps but she prefers to be my bling bling rather than papa's ;-)

On your birthday Balqis dear we want you to know how blessed we are to have you in our lives. Your sweet smile, your contagious laugh & your impromptu hugs & kisses  have always touch us tremendously. Love you loads girl!