In my previous post I shared my involvement in the reading business had come up to a new fresh beginning. Well, not only that reading is listed in my daily routine, I have also a new category in my addiction database. I am crazy over Sophie Kinsella's novels.

Seriously, her writing is spontaneous. Not complicated, easily read & most importantly no repetitive flashbacks. (That's one point why I cannot appreciate Sepi. Perhaps that's the beauty of creativeness? Don't count on me when it comes to arts though. Still, kudos to VI, NA & AS). OK, back to Kinsella. As a mom of 4, my hands are full. I need a book that can cheer me up & put a smile on my face. Nothing associated with tragedy or catastrophe. I am avoiding books which have the possibility to make me relate tragic storyline to the girls. That is definitely not for me. I do not want to stress myself with whatsoever nonsense happening out there.
Kinsella's work suits me perfectly. I have to thank Shera for highlighting Kinsella in one of her posts. When it comes to novels I need to trust the author first then only his/her writing. Once I have fallen for one, I make quite an effort to read all.
In this case, I have completed Kinsella's Shopaholic Series & now beginning to read "The Undomestic Goddess" (even
the title is catchy ;-D). Chic Lit is so for me. I bought the whole series of 5 & Yasmin is itching to read too. Been asking for my permission. When I answered no, she asked for the exact age she could start reading. Frankly, the storyline is decent with message yes, but maybe too much cursing using the 4-letter-word. I told her that if she started reading my books at such young age, she would run out of interesting books when she reached my age. That somehow convinced her & she is back reading Enid Blyton's & Linda Chapman's.
I mentioned of owning 5 Shopaholic books but the truth is I have 6. It is so funny for a novel to have 2 different titles. Different covers, I heard but titles? One title for the UK edition & another for the US. So "Confessions of a Shopaholic" & " The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic" are really the same book also, "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" & "Shopaholic Abroad" are again the same. Annnnnnd... I own both STM & SA.

Do I blame the girls for this? Whenever we are at a bookstore, they confidently head straight to the children's shelves. As I wrote earlier, once I love an author I don't mind reading any of her work. So, I came across SA. Grabbed it (without reading the synopsis) & little did I know it was the same STM book which was
on my bed. Grrrr...
Anyhow, if you are looking for a novel to read, give Shopaholic Series a try. You will love Becky! She did not only make me smile but laughed my heart out. Whenever HB & I are reading next to each other, I think we make a beautiful picture. Him with Grisham, his frown prominent. Me with Kinsella, my dimple conspicuous.

In this case, I have completed Kinsella's Shopaholic Series & now beginning to read "The Undomestic Goddess" (even

I mentioned of owning 5 Shopaholic books but the truth is I have 6. It is so funny for a novel to have 2 different titles. Different covers, I heard but titles? One title for the UK edition & another for the US. So "Confessions of a Shopaholic" & " The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic" are really the same book also, "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" & "Shopaholic Abroad" are again the same. Annnnnnd... I own both STM & SA.

on my bed. Grrrr...
Anyhow, if you are looking for a novel to read, give Shopaholic Series a try. You will love Becky! She did not only make me smile but laughed my heart out. Whenever HB & I are reading next to each other, I think we make a beautiful picture. Him with Grisham, his frown prominent. Me with Kinsella, my dimple conspicuous.
Happy Reading & watch out for the movie!
Hiya Ja,
How did u end up having two of the same kind? Too excited? I lent mine to Yati and actually numbered them so she would read them in sequel. When Shopaholic & Baby was released, i couldnt wait and bought the big sized book at RM70. A week after, the smaller version was out, down by 50%. Nak nangis rasanya! Padan muka aku! Anyhow, I still find Confession is the best of all, ye lah...anak sulong kan? The rest...still a great read, a good laugh. So me when it comes to managing finance and bills! hehehe...
Am excited for the movie too...when hah?
It's me again. Hahaha...
It sure makes me feel good knowing that I've successfully injected the right amount of dose of Kinsella into you, Dikny and Puteq! U're most welcome. The pleasure is mine....
erkkk!!! i hate books!!
Hi Jabishah, good for you.
Can always tell from the way one blog posts, the styles, the eloquence, this person reads books...and this person is you.
The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.
I tend to go more for autobiobraphies, or true life stories...
The world's biggest bookstore is here and once awhile will pop in...and just marvel at all those books...
Have a great week, Lee.
and Shera too (if she reads this), can i know the order of the books so that I know which one to read first? Tq....
Shera darling,
Yes, you can say... was too excited. When to her shelf & simply grabbed the title I didn't hv. Also at the same time had to run after my 3-yr-old Balqis. Confused of a playground & a bookstore.
You somehow injected extra dose on me laaa...;-)But ain't complaining!
Hope you have a good Monday!
That was exactly Mir said years back. I had the pleasure reading whenever he was away. Once home, had to put aside the book for awhile. Ye lah.. chose to spend more time with him but ada jgk sneaked masa Mir tak nmpk. Anyway, one fine day, he asked me to buy a novel for him to read. I can't remember the title but ever since he never leaves for work without a book ;-)
ps- Bagus jgk tu, bila share transport dgn crew, he reads ;-D
Dikny darling,
My pleasure... Taknak you make the same mistake like I did.
1- Confessions of a Shopaholic/The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic
2- Shopaholic Takes Manhattan / Shopaholic Abroad
3- Shopaholic Ties the Knot
4- Shopaholic & Sister
5- Shopaholic & Baby
Happy Reading!
ps- I dont mind lending mine... ;-)
Ooh must go look for it. Hope they have it at the library.
Hi Uncle Lee,
Aww.... thank you for making my day.
I do read autobiographies & biographies too. One that is fresh in my mind is Princess Diana's. Others I read mostly during my uni years for research & assignment ;-) Kennedy & Malcolm X are among a few that I can recall. I read one by Adeline Yen Mah a few years back - Falling Leaves. Beautifully written.
Take care now uncle.
Hello a&a's mom,
Yes, I highly recommend these books & have a good laugh :-D Do let me know if you can find these in the library!
I'm into two extremes - any chic lits and Jeffrey Archer's. Buleh?!
But, it has been a while since i last spent focused time on a fiction...Sigh...
Hi Jabishah
I've flown in from the same airport as you did before - via Wanshana airport...hihihi..
The last book (non edu)I read was those Mills & Boons, Jude Devaraux, Sidney Sheldon books masa sekolah dulu!! Ouuchh..
Shopaholic books eh..? Hmm..I might check them out at MPH next time I go there!
Ja, u dnt knw me but we both knw Shera. In case you havent heard, she passed away today 22/7/08. Drop by my blog.
Hi Jabishah, I was going to inform you, see Chahya already informed you...
I am paying a tribute to her in my blog. Lee.
Hello Jabishah, you and I have lost a good friend, especially.
Yes, I too had tears in my eyes when Chahya informed me in my previous blog posting, somewhere at the really shook me. To suddenly get a message like that...really unexpected.
I couldn't believe it as only a few hours I had teased her about her durians...she replied two, but never had the chance to reply my 3rd one...she was gone, forever.
We will miss Shera, her warmth, her cheerfulness, her infectious humour...
but she would want us to continue on with our lives...
We enjoy warmth because we have been cold.
We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.
By the same token....we can experience joy, because we have known sadness.
I will be coming out with a new posting tomorrow, something humourous, will include with a short goodbye to Shera...This post will be dedicated to Shera.
Drop by tomorrow.
You keep well Jabishah, Lee.
Hello Uncle Lee,
Thank you for the comfort. I appreciate it. I was in a great grief for the past few days but I realize now. She would of course want us to continue cheering others.
Looking forward to your post on her. Thanks.
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