I have heard of Upin & Ipin but never had the chance to view the short films during the month of Ramadhan. The positive feedback I collected from the latest movie of Upin & Ipin- Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula made me decided to give it a shot & at the same time, support our film industry. The last time I did that was somewhere last year watching "Sepi" which was rather menyepikan to me (well, it was not 100% Malaysian anyway...). Didn't drag HB as I knew he would irritably doze off next to me. Anyhow, I did make him watch "Tentang Bulan" together with the girls. Surprisingly, he enjoyed the movie much better than the girls did. The plot of the movie was during our childhood years & obviously it brought back memories of riding chopper bicycle & munching on Popo fish cracker.
Last night I made an online booking to watch the movie.This time around I was quite sure HB would put the local film industry one step higher. I did steal some glances at him just now in the dark. He was enjoying himself, minus the infamous frown & above all... he didn't snore away!
I was impressed myself with the animation. The movie was entertaining. I laughed... A compliment there because of all local productions only P.Ramlee movies agree to my sense of humour & yes, Tentang Bulan too. There was also suspense which spoiled Balqis's mood. She was almost in tears just now. Good that she sat next to HB. If she were with me, she definitely would burst simply out of manja.
We came out of the cinema still smiling. HB admitted that he failed to guess the villain. Which was a surprise to me. It was so clear who the scoundrel was from the beginning. It showed he was too occupied with the brilliance of this Made In Malaysia 3D animation ;-) Do find the time to watch this movie. It is still showing even though after a month & a half in the cinema.
Last night I made an online booking to watch the movie.This time around I was quite sure HB would put the local film industry one step higher. I did steal some glances at him just now in the dark. He was enjoying himself, minus the infamous frown & above all... he didn't snore away!
I was impressed myself with the animation. The movie was entertaining. I laughed... A compliment there because of all local productions only P.Ramlee movies agree to my sense of humour & yes, Tentang Bulan too. There was also suspense which spoiled Balqis's mood. She was almost in tears just now. Good that she sat next to HB. If she were with me, she definitely would burst simply out of manja.
We came out of the cinema still smiling. HB admitted that he failed to guess the villain. Which was a surprise to me. It was so clear who the scoundrel was from the beginning. It showed he was too occupied with the brilliance of this Made In Malaysia 3D animation ;-) Do find the time to watch this movie. It is still showing even though after a month & a half in the cinema.

Here is a video clip of the movie.
ja, we went to watch it too on the first week itself. punyalah susah nak dpt tiket. it was fully booked ok. and the panggung was full house when we were there. but it was worth it, the kids enjoyed it and so did the parent. it was a fruitful outing as everybody was happy. ahak ahak.
I havent seen it yet. Im curious about it :)
thanks for the review, Ja :)
Ja, betul...betul..betul...hehehe
Yes, do support our local 3D animator. Asyik dok tengok Doremon & Spongebob je ye tak? Glad Jemir approved :-)
BTW, jom tengok Confessions of a Shopaholic ;-)
Heard really brilliant reviews about this movie. Have been planning to watch it, BUT seperti biasalah...masa mau nonton ngak ada. Adusss...must find time to take kids to watch the movie.
Thanks for the review yah :)
Hi Jabishah, nice of hubby to come along see this movie. Guess I am no longer familiar with these movies being away 22 years.
You have fun Jabishah, best regards, Lee.
aiyoyo tambi...!! lumbu juga ingat...!!! sappppyyy gooo...!!! hehehe..
ja, We went to watch it too. to tell u the truth, we nearly missed the show but i'm so glad that we made it. memang best n tak mengantuk pun ;)
We went to watch this movie on the first day itself......really enjoyable. My youngest, Daim, didn't move even a bit, sure concentrate giler tuhh, hihihi.
I really like the movie and I went to watch it again last wk but only with Danish.....
When the DVD's out, I'll get one for sure...
oh, oh, the movie is going to be 'buah mulut' sekolah. i can see it!
That is why I normally go to catch the movie bila hujung2. Online booking is normally successful. Or else hmmm... sure full.
Let's watch Confession of a Shopaholic!
Your boys will love it. It can brush up on their BM too... ;-)
Hi Kak KAy,
Be a shopaholic not workaholic... hehehe. Alaa, nanti klu tak sempat catch the movie, next raya keluar lah tu dekat astro ;-)
Jom.. Hari ni openning kan? Text me k.
Well uncle, he is a family oriented person. Lucky me & the girls too.
Take care uncle.
I knew you enjoyed the movie.. Errr, care to watch Confession of a Shopaholic with me???? :-)
Best giler! I really have to take our industry more seriously this time. Thay hv talent kan?
I bet your boys enjoyed it. Diorg tak takut with the suspense? Balqis did. I doubt she liked the movie...
Hi Spiderlily,
Waaa using your peribahasa ya. It suits. Mama 'berbesar hati' took you watching the movie. ;-
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