HB is home & I'm all smiling ;-) He is tanned & lost some weights. But what I really loved was his unshaved new look. Like Hugh Jackson in Australia.. Hahaha! Too bad our weather doesn't agree to him, so he's back to his usual look.
He arrived in KL before noon but due to my hectic schedule on Saturday mornings, I could only start off to fetch him after half past noon. The plan was to meet halfway at the ERL station in Putrajaya. At the tol after BBP, he rang me up & requested to be fetched at the airport instead. Why? All his bags including his comrades' were all left in BKK (Bangkok)... sigh. You see they failed to catch a connecting flight to KL the day before from Kathmandu. Put up the night in BKK which explains why the bags were stranded there.
Anyhow I reached the airport just in time. All paper works were done & he was ready to meet his girls at Gate 1. The look he wore was rare. True that he is always away. So, we kind of used to the situation. But being separated for more than 3 weeks... that sure is something foreign to us. I was glad I brought along all the girls to welcome their dad.
At home lunch was served. I made chicken rice as HB requested. Prepared it before I left that morning. Err.. sorry no pic but you can always go to my food blog for recipe ;-)
The girls as I mentioned in the previous post made something for their father. Here it is...
Later that night HB received a phone call from one of his comrades in this Nepal excursion. The bags had all been sent to his place in Putrajaya. We decided to get the bags since my PILs would be coming over the day after & HB had gotten some souvenirs for his parents.
We took my car. HB drove. Still in the neighbourhood, at a straight street HB was trying to over take a motorbike which was on the left side of the road. Midway overtaking, the bike out of a sudden turned right without any signal & hit my side. It was a loud bang. My first experience really. Good that I had myself buckled & most importantly, none of the girls was with us.
I was not hurt alhamdulillah... Neither was HB. I was in shock yes but what lingered in my mind was the motorcyclist. Nervously I turned & saw him limping. That was a relief...!
Passersby came & helped. My door was jammed. Left front light was broken & left front bumper too. Left front tyre punctured & the rim dented. We were grateful the incoming car was further away...
We made the police report right away. But I doubt the motorcyclist did. His bike was not insured, no road tax & above all no license! It was a long night. Came home at 3am. Still I had to wake up early to prepare lunch. Playing hostess to my PILs. Plus a friend was coming over to have a look at my tudungs.
Sorry that I have no pictures at all of the accident, including my car. So many things in my mind. But... I do have a few pictures to share. HB's shots from his recent excursion to the Himalaya. Enjoy them :-)
We took my car. HB drove. Still in the neighbourhood, at a straight street HB was trying to over take a motorbike which was on the left side of the road. Midway overtaking, the bike out of a sudden turned right without any signal & hit my side. It was a loud bang. My first experience really. Good that I had myself buckled & most importantly, none of the girls was with us.
I was not hurt alhamdulillah... Neither was HB. I was in shock yes but what lingered in my mind was the motorcyclist. Nervously I turned & saw him limping. That was a relief...!
Passersby came & helped. My door was jammed. Left front light was broken & left front bumper too. Left front tyre punctured & the rim dented. We were grateful the incoming car was further away...
We made the police report right away. But I doubt the motorcyclist did. His bike was not insured, no road tax & above all no license! It was a long night. Came home at 3am. Still I had to wake up early to prepare lunch. Playing hostess to my PILs. Plus a friend was coming over to have a look at my tudungs.
Sorry that I have no pictures at all of the accident, including my car. So many things in my mind. But... I do have a few pictures to share. HB's shots from his recent excursion to the Himalaya. Enjoy them :-)

Oh wow bestnya gambar gambar yang your hubby shot.Amazing kan!!
sorry to hear about your accident.Nasib tak injured.
wow..gud 2 hear ur hb is bak home but sorry abt d car,luckly u n hb r ok..n d kids nasib baik tak ikut..
Hi Ja,
Sorry about the accident. Hope the car has been repaired and thank God no one was badly injured.
As for your HB, I'm glad he is home safe now. My hubby is planning to climb K2 in the summer of 2010. I'm sure I will experience the same trepidation as you had when communication between me and him is cut off. Let's hope he makes it to the top just as your HB's amazing climb on Annapurna.
Btw, my hubby nak tanya where your HB got his hiking boots from? Is there a shop in KL that supplies good hiking shoes? Appreciate your HB's help in this.
Hi Renee,
Yes, definitely amazing. But tgk gambar ckplah... Unless ada helly nak ambik I , OK. :-D
Tx alphardmama. You know I hv a shot of ur alphard in my blog. Try this url http://jabishah.blogspot.com/2009/05/playing-madie-david-of-moonlighting.html
MTT Hi, K2? Wow..? Up to the peak? I doubt I give HB the green light to K2. Isnt it the 2nd highest peak in the world?
Regarding the hiking boots, HB bought his at Subang Prd. At World of Sports. A friend is a member & HB used his membership for a very good bargain. Perhaps ur hubby wld want to check out this place in SS2. I was impressed myself with all the outdoor gears they offer. Here's their homepage http://mycorezone.com/ You can use my hubby's memberships card to get a discount. No card needed, only his name ;-)
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