Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Shocking News

Last night, in my room, on my bed, I was playing with Nadeen & her 2 sisters when the house phone rang. It was my mom. She asked whether I was watching the news. I answered yes though I was more into the girls rather than listening to an organisation boring gathering.

My mom mentioned of a couple doctors from APSH who were involved with an accident during their trekking at Bukit Melawati. I must have missed that piece of news when I went down for a quick dinner. My mom called again shortly after that to confirm that the doctors' names were Dr. Amin & Dr. Haliza.

I browsed the net for more information & found a cliping in NST online of the missing doctors. Apparently, they were missing from Wednesday. It had been reported that both the doctors were seen leaving the hospital together on that Wednesday morning.

I waited for TV3 nightline at midnight. According to the report, it was only yesterday that Dr. Haliza's car was found near Bukit Melawati. Rescue searches were immediately sent & sadly to find their 2 almost decompossed bodies. Innalillah...

Dr. Haliza was my girls' paediatrician from my Yasmin to dear Nadeen. In fact, it was only about a week ago during the school break that I visited her for Nadeen's chicken pox vaccination. She was as lively as usual. Didn't really have a long chat as she had many patients waiting. Who would have thought that was her final treatment on my girl. Nadeen doesn't get to complete her 1st booster which is due in 3 months time. Dr. Haliza had been a lovely paed to my girls(I once mentioned her here on one of my postings).

My condolence to her family & also to Dr. Amin's. May they rest among the mukmins... Ameen



fiza said...

Hi Ja..
I also shock..I know Mr Amin Tai when i was in HUKM but i x kenal Dr Haliza. Mr Amin also very nice surgeon and easy to deal with. Not much complaint n approachable..His surgical touch also very good...takziah to both family...

azira abdullah said...

salam kak ja...

sy baru jer dengar berita tu...
salam takziah..
mmg susah utk kita terima kenyataan itu kan...
apa pun kita redha...
biasanya org2 yg baik ni...
Allah akan ambil dia awl..
sbb Allah sayang kan dia...

apa pun banyak2 bersabar yer kak...

salam sayang dr saya...

MrsNordin said...

I heard about the news at the hospital with Ibu and Shana after coming back from Kay's house. Your girls shared the same paed as Ibu. That must be shocking news to both of you...

Al fatihah.

Lee said...

Hi Jabishah, regret to read of this sad experience.
Wonder why it took sometime for the news to come out they missing.
You stay easy and keep well, Lee.

Lizamurni Lokman said...


Such a great loss kan? I still don't know nak bawak my sons jumpa which paed after this.....she's such a good paed to my sons..